Jeffrey Epstein Weaseled His Way Out of a Prison Sentence by Killing Himself

Federal child sex trafficker and millionaire Jeffrey Epstein was found unresponsive in his cell early Saturday morning. He was transferred to New York Downtown hospital where he was pronounced dead. Epstein was also found unresponsive 3 weeks ago with marks on his neck. At the time, it was unclear whether he tried to kill himself or he was attacked. In either case, he was placed on suicide watch. Clearly, that phrase means something else to the prison guards. Maybe they thought it meant that they should watch him as he kills himself and slowly dies.

Epstein’s victims are unsurprisingly shocked and Attorney General William Barr is opening an investigation into his death.

If you’re into conspiracy theories, being that this case involved a lot of powerful people, Epstein’s death may not have been a suicide.

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