Actress Gianna Sciortino Went From ‘Hairspray’ to Hottie

If you’re familiar with the John Waters film Hairspray, you probably know two main things about it; all your gay friends love it and it’s about a fat girl. Gianna Sciortino was that fat girl in a production of the musical based on the movie, but now she’s one of the hottest influencers on Instagram.

That’s quite the transformation. A New York Post profile says Sciortino lost an entire half of her body weight to get as sexy as she is today.

Not 100% sure but I think her ass stayed the same size. But butts are in now.

She sure likes these before and after pictures, but considering the after I can’t blame her.

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4 years ago

I have no idea who this woman is – I have never seen Hairspray.

She looks better after losing all the weight, but it’s a stretch to call her “one of the hottest influencers on instagram.” She looks just average to me. Plus, she still has a Kardashian-sized rear end.

4 years ago
Reply to  Alejandro

The photo from behind is dated 1/27/98.
She was only ~1 year old? Set the date on your digital camera!