Kanye West is Slowly Turning Into Creed


Kanye West has always been a bit of a weirdo, but I always liked the way he loved Kanye West more than anyone else has ever loved anything else. You know, that and when he said George W Bush doesn’t care about black people. That was awesome, it was his dopest beat.

But now he’s gotten all Jesusey and it’s weird. For starters, he’s been leading church services. I thought that he was inviting people to worship him, but it’s kind of weird that it’s about worshiping Him.

Then he named his new album Jesus is King.

He looks like a little kid wearing his dad’s shirt on the album cover, too.

Kanye named his child Psalm West. This is such a dumb name even Kendall Jenner couldn’t hold her tongue about it, telling Jimmy Fallon “She would not let me leave the house until we figured out a name, and then ended up going with a name that I didn’t even — like, that I didn’t care for as much.” That’s about the mildest criticism you can give on the name of a baby who going to grow up wishing his parents had named him North West instead.

And now Kanye is collaborating with Kenny G because Christian music is invariably crap. Kenny G told Rolling Stone “I can’t really say much else because he doesn’t really want anyone to talk about music before he releases it. Just suffice to say that we’re collaborating on some things, and nobody knows what’s going to happen.”

I mean why not at this point? Is Kenny G going to make a song called ‘Baptized’ on an album called Jesus is Lord any worse? Is anyone going to be sitting around saying “Man, ‘God Is’ was a sick beat until Kenny G came in, that just ruined it.”

Of course not. If anything, maybe he’ll Kenny G all over the place and drown out Kanye’s whole Jars of Clay schtick.

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