People like to think that Disney is woke. This belief is undertaken almost entirely on faith, because these people are constantly talking about how they’re boycotting Chick-Fil-A or Soul Cycle or whatever, but they do not want to face any reality that involves them not being able to watch Toy Story and Avengers and will not hear anything about how Marvel CEO and major Disney shareholder Ike Perlmutter is a huge donor and top advisor to Donald Trump.
There’s evidence all around that Disney, and specifically Marvel, aren’t woke. For starters, there have been stories for years about how Disney has meticulously cut any implication that a character might be anything less than 100% heterosexual from Marvel movies since they bought them. To date, the only openly LGBT character to appear in a Marvel movie doesn’t have a name. Also, you know, ask Ellen Degeneres how being a lesbian worked out for her ABC sitcom.
Which brings me to Kristen Stewart. Stewart is one of those people who is annoyingly coy about their sexuality when anyone in the world, when asked to describe it, would say it’s bisexuality. But she’s one of those “I don’t like labels” bisexuals. And she recently said in an interview that if she stopped doing that and just acted straight, she could be in a Marvel movie.
Here’s what she told Harper’s Bazaar:
She accepts that she has become a sort of standard-bearer for that ambiguity. But she doesn’t mind. If she can make the conversation about sexuality easier for anyone, she’s happy. She also couldn’t care less about the impact any of this might have on her career. In the past, she says, “I have fully been told, ‘If you just like do yourself a favour, and don’t go out holding your girlfriend’s hand in public, you might get a Marvel movie.'” She looks almost amused at the memory. “I don’t want to work with people like that.” Now, by contrast, people approach her, drawn to that undefined sexuality, wanting to make movies about it. Stewart shakes her head in mock despair. “Literally, life is a huge popularity contest.”
Now, to be fair, Stewart didn’t say that this came from anyone with the ability to hire her for a Marvel movie. It seems like something an agent might say.
But think about this: why wasn’t Kristen Stewart Captain Marvel? Brie Larson did a fine job and I like Brie, but Stewart was my choice for Captain Marvel for years. Don’t you think that Kristen Stewart’s sort of stereotypical schtick would have made her a great Captain Marvel?
No multinational corporation is woke. If they think an actress is going to scare off viewers by being gay, they’re not going to hire her. And if they think that there’s money to be made in having a gay character, then they’re going to make a third-string character you’ve never heard of from a D-List property that they’re hoping they can make into the next Guardians of the Galaxy gay. It’s not because they want to support you, it’s because they want your money.