Woman in Kevin Hart Sex Tape Wants $60 Million, Seems Like Reasonable Price for Sleeping With Kevin Hart

I still cannot get over the fact that Kevin Hart has a sex tape. It has officially caused way more problems for Hart than it was worth because now his scene partner is suing him for $60 million, as reported by E!.

Now two years later, Sabagg is accusing Hart of allowing his friend, JT Jackson, to “set up a hidden video recording device” in the hotel room and record their sexual relations. The lawsuit states that Hart “conspired” with Jackson “for the purpose of obtaining tremendous financial benefit for himself” by drumming up publicity for Hart’s Irresponsible Tour.

This makes no sense. Kevin Hart is the most popular stand-up comic in the world, why would he need to leak a sex tape like some dumbass heiress to get attention? Bitch, he was on Modern Family. Recurring! When it was still good! And judging by all the homophobic comments he got fired from the Oscars for, he probably doesn’t suck dick nearly as well as Paris Hilton.

TMZ reported that when the story first broke, Montia Sabbag said Hart was a victim and she didn’t want any money from him. Her tune has changed, but Hart is inclined to hold her to what she originally said.

We’re told Kevin, who is recovering from horrific injuries as a result of his car crash, will not pay Sabbag a penny. There will be no settlement.

But why would she change her tune like this and suddenly turn on Hart? Well, Radar Online has a theory.

“Tia has been trying to get into modeling and acting. She recently lost a movie role because someone made a call and mentioned the sex tape,” the source alleged.

The rejection caused Sabbag to realize that her acting career may never take off, said the insider, who confirmed the role was for a “legitimate movie and not X-rated.”

Again, I find this hard to believe because, well, Kim Kardashian is a huge star, and Paris Hilton used to be famous, too. Since when has Making a sex tape with, again, one of the biggest stars in the word, hurt anyone’s career? If she’s having trouble booking films, it’s only because we haven’t seen the tape yet.

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