Stan Lee died exactly one year ago, but when you’re one of about five guys responsible for the entire Marvel universe, people are going to be fighting about you for a long time. Right now, that means Stan’s daughter J.C. is suing his former PA for claiming that J.C. “slammed [Stan’s] head into a chair,” something I don’t believe for a second.
Stan the Man’s later years were riddled with all sorts of allegations leveled at everyone around him; a manager was charged with elder abuse of Lee, another associate was accused of robbing Stan blind and Lee’s healthcare workers made up an outrageous sexual harassment claim about Lee, but thankfully no one believed that.
Now TMZ is reporting that J.C. Lee is taking Bradley Herman to court over claims he made that J.C. was abusing her late father.
According to the docs … JC claims Herman’s statement was totally false — she says she never struck her father and never tried to choke him. Stan’s daughter says she believes Herman, who she claims was fired in early 2018, made the false statement because he was seeking revenge against her.
In the suit, JC claims Herman stole from Stan before being fired, and she claims Herman regularly forged Stan’s signature on loans.
It’s a shame that Stan’s last days involved so much turmoil, and it hasn’t ended now that we’ve gotten to the first anniversary of his death.
Thankfully, Stan Lee has a legacy that’s so much bigger than all the fighting his estate has caused. This will all eventually get sorted out and all people will remember about Stan is the joy he brought into the world. They didn’t call him Smilin’ Stan Lee for nothing.