Victoria Featherstone Pearce is insanely good looking for someone who is 48 years old. Just incredible.
She tells the New York Post that she credits her vegan lifestyle for her age-defying good looks.
“I have been a vegetarian since I was 6 years old, and became a vegan overnight when I learned about the dark side of the dairy industry at 33,” the blonde beauty says. “I am not ashamed to say I feel and look good — I want to continue rocking it and being sexy until I am 90.”
I mean, is Botox vegan?
Put her in front of the Home Depot self-checkout camera and we’ll get to the bottom of this.
Does eating vegan make you look like a microwaved Barbie doll? If so, it may be responsible for her “ageless beauty.”
Seriously, just how high WAS Eric Karnes when he typed that?