So things in New England are going well since Tom Brady left for Tampa Bay. The NFL draft began Thursday night and over the weekend only one of the players the Patriots drafted has a tattoo of a white national hate group’s logo.
Wait, what?
That’s right, the Patriots’ fifth-round pick, kicker Justin Rohrwasser, has a tattoo of the “Three Percenters,” a far-right group that’s part of the militia movement.
— Justis Mosqueda (@JuMosq) April 25, 2020
This, of course, has raised some eyebrows. I always had my issues with Tom Brady and Rob Gronkowski, but at least those dudes weren’t Nazis.
Rohrwasser has a good explanation, though, reportedly saying “I got that tattoo when I was teenager. I thought it supported military support. Obviously, it supports something I do not want to represent. It will be covered.”
"I got that tattoo when I was teenager. I thought it supported military support. Obviously, it supports something I do not want to represent. It will be covered." Justin Rohrwasser #Patriots
— Mike Petraglia (@Trags) April 25, 2020
I mean, that makes sense. Who hasn’t accidentally gotten a racist tattoo to support the military?
This is essentially an explanation straight from an episode of The Simpsons. Specifically Season Five, Episode Two, Cape Feare.
I never get tired of that episode.
By the way, the NFL de facto banned Collin Kaepernick for kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality but the dude with the Nazi tattoo just gets to go “I made an oopsie,” and everyone moves on?
Eric Karnes hides like the punk that he is, brandishing some kid a nazi for a tattoo he got as a teenagers says more about you than him. I’d sure like to meet you in person one day.
Have you looked at his other tattoos this kid was raised to hate. The heat on this kid is real and Marshall should be questioned too as to why they allowed him to parade this message around campus.
Which one’s are you talking about “Liberty or Death” or “The American Flag”, neither are anything but patriotic. Some people get butt hurt over this yet have no problem with far left progressives burning the flag and other despotic BS. Bring us some proof of his criminal affiliation or membership in hate groups or shut up. The only objectionable (perceived) tattoo was the so called “Three Percenter” one and he explained it was gotten as a teenager long before the group came to national attention. Oh and your “raised to hate” statement is also way off as he said many… Read more »
On another point regarding Marshall and the State of West Virginia, check out the percentage of US Military personnel that served from that state throughout its history. They don’t need to be questioned about anything as they’ve willing gave the blood and lives of their youth to protect this country. Currently over 10% of the population have served compared to less than 5% of states of N.Y. and California.
How did this kids beliefs not become an issue sooner he is obviously a right wing racist. I can’t believe Bill would take this guy. Look at his other tattoos he is extreme and obviously comes from a family that has some pretty awful beliefs. They should cut drop this kid ASAP no way he just realized his tattoos are offensive
wow. attacking some guy for a tattoo that says liberty or death…words used in congress by our founding fathers and this JA writer thinks it’s white supremacy??
why did anyone even publish his stupidity??
if this is the state of journalism today, ya’ll need to start over.
Context matters
HE SAID he’s going to cover it ! And you’re still bitching ?
A 3 percenter isn’t a Nazi. Nazis are socialists, therefore on the left, not the right.
Let me get this right a whole article about a tattoo you claim is a nazi symbol with no evidence of such. Yellow journalism at its finest. Such drivel.