We’ve heard a lot of stories lately about how Harvey Weinstein is a rapist and all the rapes he did, but now that he’s in jail for being a serial rapist we’re starting to hear all the stories about how he was also a massive asshole. It’s funny what comes out when you go from being a powerful guy everyone is afraid of to being a pariah.
Kevin Smith, who had his two best films, Clerks and Chasing Amy, distributed by Miramax, told Variety about how Weinstein tried to screw him on his back-end deal for Clerks. Always take points on the gross and not the net, kids, Hollywood hasn’t admitted a film made money since Ben-Hur.
This much I know. They bought “Clerks” for $227,000. And the movie went out and made $3 million at the box office and stuff. And it took seven years for us to see any profit from that movie. For seven years, they were like: “Nope, the movie is still not in profit.” And we were like “How?” And then there were things.
He went on to say how Miramax billed Clerks for a yacht to promote Pulp Fiction at Cannes and how he eventually got a bunch of cash after auditing them years later.
Is anyone surprised to learn this about Harvey Weinstein? The dude’s a rapist, of course he’s also a thief. Harv barely considers other people to be human.