Thandie Newton Reveals How Horrible Hollywood Is Like Getting Finger-Fucked Without Warning in ‘Crash’

Thandie Newton comes off as pretty sunny when she’s recollecting what a horrible place Hollywood is. Less so now that Hollywood people are pretending to be ‘woke’, but the predators are biding their time waiting for #metoo to blow over. Or alleged pedophiles like director Bryan Singer supposedly scurry away to prey on young boy influencers, instead of young boy actors.

Vulture interviewed Newton; Newton didn’t hold back. I know Newton from Westworld. I remember her being a naked robot or cyborg or something. I didn’t understand that show. Did you? Post your comments below.

She also starred in Crash, which won some Oscars. In it, there’s a scene where Matt Dillon, who plays a cop, pulls Thandie’s character and her husband over. Dillon forces them to get out, then searches Newton up and down, including a rigorous cavity search in the vagina. Hmm…sounds like what a cop would do.

Anyway, director Paul Haggis didn’t seem to give Newton much warning that he wanted that scene to be “realistic”. The first red flag should’ve been when he asked Newton if she was wearing protective underwear.

At the beginning of that night, oh God, Paul Haggis got me and Matt [Dillon] together, and in front of Matt, he said to me, “Are you wearing protective underwear?” And they’re both like looking at their feet. I’m like, “I mean, I’m just wearing under … yeah. Why?” “Because I really want this to be as real as, you know — I really want to go there.” I’m like, “What do you mean?” “Because I just want Matt to feel like he can … ” And I realized what he was saying.

Newton says she went to her trailer to cry, but not for the reasons you think.

I went into the makeup trailer and burst into tears. I was really worried, and I was upset. Not that I had to do the scene, but I was upset that I had no idea that that’s what we were going to be conveying in the movie. Because as far as I was concerned, to insinuate that a cop would hand-rape a woman in the streets, and in a racially charged way, too, I felt this fear that I didn’t want to be part of putting that out in the world, because I thought it couldn’t possibly be true.

She was also groomed at 16 by director John Duigan who was then 39:

When you’ve talked about what happened in the past — getting groomed and sexually abused as a teenager by the director John Duigan on the set of Flirting — I noticed the language used by some journalists writing about it was quite odd. Some would call it an affair.

Yes. For years. I would talk about it a lot in the press, as you know. I think it’s because I was traumatized. If someone brought it up — and of course they’re going to bring it up in a fucking interview, man — if they spoke about it in a way that’s not sympathetic or they called it an affair, it was insult to injury. It’s like re-abuse. I think the reason I talked about it a lot, too, is I’m trying to find someone who understands. I’m looking for help. It’s so fucking obvious to me. What is the point if we don’t expose what needs to be exposed?

Duigan hasn’t done anything since 2012. I wonder what he’s doing. I bet he loves it when his Google alerts go off and he finds out, oh, it’s another story about him being a pedophile.

Newton also recalled passing on Charlie’s Angels because the studio head, Amy Pascal, was a racist.

I had a meeting with her, and she said, “Look, I don’t mean to be politically incorrect, but the character as written and you playing the role, I just feel like we’ve got to make sure that it’s believable.” I was like, “What do you mean? What changes would you have to make?” She’s like, “Well, you know, the character, as written, she’s been to university and is educated.” I’m like, “I’ve been to university. I went to Cambridge.” She went, “Yeah, but you’re different.” She’s like, “Maybe there could be a scene where you’re in a bar and she gets up on a table and starts shaking her booty.” She’s basically reeling off these stereotypes of how to be more convincing as a Black character. Everything she said, I was like, “Nah, I wouldn’t do that.” She’s like, “Yeah, but you’re different. You’re different.” That was Amy Pascal. That’s not really a surprise, is it? Let’s face it: I didn’t do the movie as a result.

Oh yea, you’re different than those OTHER BLACK PEOPLE.

In summary, Hollywood’s about what you’d expect.

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