Pornhub is Now Hosting Some High Fashion, Haute Couture Porn


Once upon a time, pornography was a classy affair. To watch a porno, men would put on their fanciest suit with a hole in the pocket and women would wear a nice dress with no panties and they would go to a theater and do hand stuff to each other while watching people in desperate need of razors pretend to be sex doctors or sex demons or 30-year-old high school cheerleaders go at it. It was a better time and beloved entertainers only occasionally got arrested for jacking it in the theaters.

If your problem with modern internet porn is that the women don’t wear classy enough outfits before taking them off to get railed then good sir, your prayers have been answered.

Page Six reports that Pornhub has teamed up with haute couture designer Namilia to showcase their new capsule collection to people who want to have a much classier wank, the kind of wank where you have to hold your pinky out while you polish your bishop.

The clip available on Pornhub (clearly NSFW, if I need to tell you that you probably deserve to be fired) is only about a minute long, but it is interesting to see porn is once again having a moment as part of the cultural zeitgeist the way it did in the 70s. It’s our time now, boys.

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