You’ll often hear complaints about how men fetishize lesbians from feminist thinkers and anti-porn crusaders, but you should see how women drool at the prospect of two dudes going at it. Japan has a whole genre of porn comics called yaoi that’s men having sex with men for the benefit of women.
Perez Hilton has been trying to prove that John Mayer is bisexual for well over a decade, and yes these two things are related. Hilton has a new memoir out and the most interesting story in it is about making out with John Mayer and Jessica Simpson.
He said that they ran into the musician couple, and Mayer told Hilton, “I like to watch gay porn, you know,” adding, “My favorite porn star is Brent Corrigan. He really turns me on” — and then he kissed Hilton.
Hilton recounts that Simpson seemed mortified and covered her face with her tresses. He said that Mayer then sat back with a “satisfied” look on his face and turned to gaze affectionately at Simpson, who “didn’t seem to know whether she was incredibly embarrassed or really turned on.”
That is very strange, and it leaves out that Simpson joined in the snog herself.
Mayer said later that he did it because Hilton was “acting as though he had just invented homosexuality. All of a sudden I thought, I can outgay this guy right now.”
So I think Hilton is right about the bisexual thing, though I’m not sure John Mayer actually knows it, kind of like me when I was a teenager watching Boy Meets World convinced I just thought Will Friedle was a really great comedic actor and that was why I wanted to lick his chest and I was just watching because I totally had a crush on Topanga. Which I totally did, that part was true.
Simpson’s friends say they were horrified at the kiss but that Simpson just thought Mayer could do no wrong, but she clearly thought it was hot. Other than Perez Hilton being involved she was probably right.