Kanye West’s Sunday Services Could Cost Him $30 Million in New Lawsuit

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Kanye West just kind of has ideas and has enough money to make those things happen. Like Kanye decided to run for president and he actually ended up on the ballot in some states. Kanye decided that he should be a preacher and all of a sudden he’s having Sunday services.

The problem with that is that when you’re throwing things together at the last minute for someone with more money than sense you tend to cut corners. And that leads to lawsuits.

Kanye West’s Sunday services were no small feat like a local church service. It was basically a Kanye West concert where he would talk about Jesus. It was a huge production. And even though Kanye didn’t put a lot of thought into it, it took a lot of people to make it happen.

Those people are now suing Kanye because they didn’t get paid or were subject to other labor violations.

Kanye is facing two class-action lawsuits which could involve up to a thousand people reports Page Six.

A hairstylist named Raina Leon claimed she had to wait 120 days for a $550 paycheck from work done in November 2019, which was then less a $20 wire fee deducted by West’s company.

Michael Pearson, a performer, alleged he was paid a flat day rate of $250, and regardless of his hours, was not permitted a meal or restroom breaks, and also alleges that performers stood all day or sat on the floor — because not enough chairs had been sourced — and walked home when a shuttle wasn’t provided for them.

You know what Jesus would do, Kanye? He’d pay his employees at his carpenter shop and let them use the bathroom.

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