Madonna is like 80 years old or something and she refuses to acknowledge that. Women her age should not be shooting naked videos in the bathtub. Seriously, I’m surprised she didn’t sit on her boobs in that position.
Still, Madonna looks in the mirror and sees a 20-something looking back. It’s basically the opposite of body dysmorphia.
Okay, that’s clearly not Madonna’s body, right?
It’s such a bad job that you’d think it was a joke but she posted that years ago and there was no wonky “hehe, that’s photoshopped, funny, right?” It’s not a famous picture, it wasn’t a meme, the intent was clearly for people to think that’s Madonna.
The pictures is actually of a woman named Amelia Goldie.
@amelia.goldie When Madonna photoshops her face onto your body (never thought that’d be a sentence I’d say) #ohno #madonna
That is really something. This has been on Madonna’s Instagram for like six years, which means at the time, Goldie was 22 and Madonna was well over 100.
The lesson here is don’t photoshop your head onto someone else’s face, and if you absolutely must do so, don’t photoshop your head on the body who hadn’t even been born the first time Al Roker wished you a happy birthday.
Lovely bit of ageist and misogynistic body shaming bullshit you got here.