Elon Musk has Some Ideas for His ‘Saturday Night Live’ Host Gig and They are Terrible

I don’t think Elon Musk is a particularly intelligent person. He’s more what an unintelligent person thinks a smart person would be. He’s a rich CEO inventor, but he isn’t rich for the things he’s invented, he’s richer because his idea for a bank that’s entirely online got bought out and became PayPal. He’s not building rockets and electric cars himself, he’s paying people to build rockets and electric cars so he can become the slave king of Mars, where Earth law doesn’t apply.

What Elon Musk mostly does is Tweet, and if SNL wanted to have someone on to host because they’re famous on Twitter, they should have asked dril to host.

See, those are good tweets, and those are only his recent ones. He has a decades-long history of making good tweets.

On the other side of that coin are the tweets Elon Musk has made in preparation for his spot hosting SNL next week.

“Woke James Bond” and “Irony Man” are things a 12-year-old on 4chan would think of. But those weren’t the worst idea he had.

Baby Shark Tank was the worst idea he had. That’s the sort of thing I’d expect Blaine Capatch to put in a “Quick, someone bring MADtv back” tweet.

If you don’t get it, MADtv was mostly sketches driven by pun titles based on TV shows, usually combined with another famous property, something MADtv writers Capatch and Patton Oswalt have made fun of in the years after they left the show.

Elon’s ideas are unfunny even by current SNL standards, though, and that’s a sort of accomplishment, at any rate. Considering cast members will be able to opt-out of appearing in sketches with Musk, I imagine the only thing that’s going to get written for him is going to be very unflattering for Musk. It’s not like his acting ability was a plus to having him in skits anyway.

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