Johnny Depp Suing the ACLU, Wants to Subpoena Amber Heard’s Donations

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Normally when someone gets mad at the ACLU, it’s because they think there should be a law that violates the first amendment, like proposed laws that would ban flag-burning or “hate speech.” Johnny Depp is fighting with the storied civil rights defenders but not about policy; he just wants them to tell the courts how much of her publicly pledged donation his ex-wife Amber Heard has actually paid them.

A part of Depp’s loss in defamation case against British tabloid The Sun was the judge rejecting Depp’s claims Heard was a gold digger based on her pledge to donate all of their divorce settlement to charity. As Depp moves to fight Heard in defamation cases in the US, he wants to prove Heard never actually paid out anything close to her pledged donations.

TMZ reports that Depp is suing the ACLU to force them to disclose the status of Heard’s donations.

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3 years ago

“Not the donations, just the fact that she willingly had sex with Elon Musk.”  
Good fun!
…well, we have seen how far she is willing to go (or rather, how low she is willing to stoop), and on that list, sex with Elon, as unthinkable as that may be, is not even anywhere near the top 20!