Logan Paul Paid $3.5m for Fake Pokemon Cards, Ended Up Getting G.I. Joe Cards Instead

Even celebs get ripped off. Logan Paul recently purchased $3.5m of first-edition Pokemon Card booster packs. What he got were G.I. Joe cards. Quite different.

Paul posted about it in a new YouTube video, “I lost $3,500,000 On Fake Pokemon Cards.”

Evidently, people were saying the outside of the boxes didn’t look like authentic Pokemon boxes.

That spurred Paul to fly to Chicago and get Baseball Card Exchange (BBCE)  to verify his purchase.

If you watch the video, it’s pretty dramatic.

They start checking out the boxes and come up with a lot of differences between the real and fake ones.

Then, they cut open the actual cellophane from the Pokmeon box…and pull out a handful of G.I. Joe Cards.

Matt Allen sold the boxes to Paul for $2.7m. Allen says he’ll take it up with the BBCE because they verified it to be authentic.

On the plus side, Paul’s gotten 1.5 million views so far out of this video.

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