Sean Penn cosplaying again. Penn considered joining Ukraine’s fight against Russia and wanted to do it without body armor.
Penn had been discussing a documentary with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy over Zoom. The documentary would be about Ukraine, but not specifically the war. Except then war broke out the day after Penn met Zelenskyy face to face.
That’s when Penn got a Sean Penn idea.
“The only possible reason for me staying in Ukraine longer last time would’ve been for me to be holding a rifle, probably without body armour, because as a foreigner, you would want to give that body armour to one of the civilian fighters who doesn’t have it or to a fighter with more skills than I have, or to a younger man or woman who could fight for longer or whatever.”
This guy was in Taps and Casualties of War. That’s as close to a gun as he’s allowed.
Penn came to his senses when he added about picking up a gun for Ukraine:
So, where I am in life is short of doing that, but if you’ve been in Ukraine [fighting] has to cross your mind. And you kind of think what century is this?”
What he meant is, I’m a rich Hollywood celeb, what the hell am I thinking?
Penn intends to go back to Ukraine, but not right now, because he’s “not an idiot” and “not certain” what he can offer. We can all agree to that.
Penn is so egotistical and self-righteous sometimes. Life is a circle though, so when you roll your eyes at him so hard, you end up having to respect him.