During filming of her new film Penelope, Christina Ricci faced off with a chimp named Chim Chim who came dangerously close to tearing her boob off. Christina explains,
“I’m afraid of monkeys but I had decided not to be afraid of this monkey because no one else is: ‘Everyone else thinks he’s awesome so just be cool.’ It’s the first day of shooting and I have this kitchen scene where I’m sitting down and the monkey is sitting right next to me.
“Of course it freaks out during the take and grabs my left breast and will not let go, and he’s so strong. I’m thinking, ‘This thing is gonna rip it’s hand away and I will no longer have a boob there!’
“I’m so freaked out and the whole rest of the actors are turned around so no one sees that this has happened to me and I’m like, ‘Help, help’ as quietly and calmly as possible so this thing does not freak out any further.
“Finally they got him off me but my fear is completely validated and I did not go near him for the rest of the shoot… Monkeys are crazy and you never what they’ll grab onto; I don’t like unpredictable animals.”
Monkeys are seriously horny animals. I was at the zoo one time and saw two of them going at. Then a little kid ran up to the glass and started banging on it shouting, “Stop. Stop hurting her monkey!,” and that’s when I pushed him to the ground and stole his ice cream cone. Stupid kid. That’ll teach him to have a cute reaction to monkey sex.
I’m think the movie she was filming at the time was SPEED RACER, as that film has a monkey named Chim-Chim in it…