Best actress Oscar winner, Marion Cotillard, is really into conspiracies. Last year on a French radio program, she suggests that the 9/11 attacks were done by America itself to cut down on expenses for rebuilding the towers. Now she’s backtracking and claims the comments were taken out of context. Uh, yea sure.
“We see other towers of the same kind hit by planes. Are they burned?” Cotillard had said in the interview. “There was a tower, I believe it was in Spain, that burnt for 24 hours. It never collapsed. None of these towers collapsed. And there [in New York], in a few minutes, the whole thing collapsed.”
Expanding her conspiracy theory, Cotillard said it would have been “a lot more expensive” to rebuild the towers “which is why they were destroyed”, with the loss of thousands of American lives.
She also believes the moon landing was fake.
“Did a man really walk on the Moon? I saw plenty of documentaries on it, and I really wondered. And in any case I don’t believe all they tell me, that’s for sure.”
Obviously, she’s right. Another thing the the government is keeping from us is that the moon is actually made of cheese. The reason why we make trips there is to replenish our dwindling supply. You think cheese actually comes from cows? Ha! Freak. Find me a Monterey Jack cow. I dare you.
Marion Cotillard: Sept. 11 remarks taken out of context [NYDN]
‘9/11 attacks made up, ‘ says French best actress Oscar-winner [Daily Mail]
I want to slap her with my cock so badly because
#1 – she’s hot
#2 – she’s fucking stupid for comparing the collapse of the twin towers to some stupid spanish building – did she somehow miss the fucking PLANES THAT FLEW INTO THE TWIN TOWERS??
The Planes didn’t cause the building to fall. it was thermite planted by the shadow government.
go watch some of the google top 100 movies.
9/11 was an INSIDE JOB.
You sir, are a certifiable retard
There are DVD’s that the government banned from the states. Alot of people know the truth about 911.
You sir are now the second certifiable retard
Just because there are DVDs out there means what? that it’s the truth?
If I made a DVD with some cool graphics and pie charts and get some “experts” to talk about your momma fucking dogs – does that mean she fucks dogs?
Too bad you were only born with half a brain
There are two reasons that nothing she says should be even given a second thought:
She has tits.
She’s French.
I could go into a long dissertation on either point, but anyone with a modicum of common sense or intelligence doesn’t need to be led by the nose.
even Pear-Ass isn’t that stupid.
Man i use to think like you… until last year when my girl friend showed me two DVD’s on what happen on that day, you have no idea and these DVD’s was created by american writers. And those planes that hit the towers, take a look at it in slow motion, those are military planes. This what i know now, you can’t call me retard for me knowing something i think is the truth. I use to believe the same things you beileve, but i got to much facts from that documentary. And i’m not the one with half a… Read more »
#1 – Just because the DVD was created by American writers doesn’t mean s**t – if anything, America is a country where many people have an overactive imagination – Conspiracy theories? Americans LOVE it – Lincoln’s assassination – JFK’s assassination – Area 52 – the list of conspiracies go on and on – When something remains unsolved, you can bet that a segment of Americans will start using their imagination to claim that a conspiracy has taken place #2 Military planes hit the towers? My fucking God – you will believe just about anything if it comes in a nicely… Read more »