Paula Abdul took to the internets to announce her latest place of employment, VH1. For an entire evening, Paula plans to take the stage and host VH1 Divas. What a relief it must be to have suffered through a lengthy unemployment and then be presented with the opportunity that requires one full night of effort. Still, I give it a week’s worth of her Oxycodone and gin supply before she announces she has quit due to VH1 not paying her in bunnies. Paula twitters,
“Hi guys! im really excited 2 announce ill b hosting this year’s “Vh1 Divas”!The show will be live on Sept 17th @ 9 pm EST”. She then said, “This year’s VH1 Divas show will honor Adele, Kelly Clarkson, Jordin Sparks, Leona Lewis and Miley Cyrus- I am so excited!!”
I know Paula can be a little incoherent so I’ll happily translate her last twitter for you. *Ahem. “This year’s VH1 Divas show will honor fat, fat, fat, hot, and young whore. I am so drunk!!”