Andrew Koenig has been spotted

That Growing Pains actor who goes by the name of “Boner” and who’s been missing for the past week has been spotted around Vancouver. The Vancouver Police Missing Persons Unit has received “a substantial amount of tips and information” regarding Koenig’s whereabouts. He’s like the Yeti. Spotted, but never captured. Koenig’s ATM and cell phone records show that they were used up until he disappeared.

Maybe Koenig’s just watching the Olympics. Sooner or later you’ll probably see him sprinting across the snowboard half-pipes yelling “hi, mom!” while security chases him down and tackles him. Then we can stop making all these boner jokes that has to do with how you lost yours and how everyone is worried about it and that this never ever happens and it’s “so embarrassing” but that I paid for the hour and “can we just sit and talk?” Crap… I’ve said too much.

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14 years ago

Actually, he’s the Growing Pains actor who goes by the name Andrew. His name is not Boner. Show some fucking respect, asshole.

14 years ago

I agree that this is a very disrespectful artical. He’s missing and I’m sure his family is finding no humor in this at all..

14 years ago


Jake Hanson
Jake Hanson
14 years ago

Wow what a perfect dik you are.

14 years ago

This man commited suicide you piece of s**t. One day you will understand whats its like to loose someone close to you.. And honestly i hope its already happened A LOT you asshole.

14 years ago

Is there a reason that this article hasn’t been updated to take into consideration the fact that Andrew Koenig has been found dead? He killed himself. His loved ones and fans are devastated. Still feel like making “boner jokes”? Honestly.