Charlize Theron covers the December issue of Vogue to promote her new film, Young Adult, directed by Jason Reitman and written by Diablo Cody (groan).
It’s a warm autumn evening in Los Angeles, and I’m sitting with Theron at a near-empty Japanese restaurant. Up the road, Barack Obama is wooing the beautiful and boldfaced at a $17,900-a-plate fund-raiser, and for hours, the Hollywood sky has rattled with helicopters. But this feels like a much better place to be, across a small table from the 36-year-old native South African and Oscar winner who director Jason Reitman (Up in the Air, Juno) says is “in every conversation about the greatest living actresses.” There’s also sake, poured in wooden boxes filled to the brim, so that one has no choice but to lean over, inelegantly dip one’s nose, and slurp it like a Labrador retriever. Which now I do.
Theron laughs loudly. “That’s why I ordered it,” she says. “To make you do that.”
I’d been warned about Theron. Good warnings. She is an actress who doesn’t take herself seriously, who loathes phoniness, who chooses not to live in a gilded fantasy of air kisses and fake compliments, and is not afraid of an adult beverage, a pointed jab, or a scattering of F-bombs.Vogue
Charlize seems pretty cool. Though she should have gave the interviewer a weird look like “what the hell are you doing?” just to make him feel even more awkward. Like I always say, you don’t really know a person until you embarrass them in public.
Shes exceptional