Jay and Mark Penske Got Wasted, Peed on a Woman

Jay and Mark Penske are the sons of Roger Penske, owner of Penske Racing and the Penske Corporation. Jay Penske is CEO of PMC who owns the IndyCar racing team Dragon Racing and websites and

Anyway, the brothers Jay and Mark got wasted on Thursday and ended the night with assault and battery charges after two women came up to police officers saying two men had assaulted them.

According to the police report, the Penske brothers were peeing in the parking lot when one of the women tapped Jay on the shoulder causing him to turn around and pee on her boots. He then grabbed her arm and pushed her before both of them ran away to the house on Yacht Club property. One of the victims explains,

“We thought they were drunk (expletive) tourists,” she said. Her friend then took out her phone and attempted to snap a photo of the man urinating on the car.

“She had her phone in her hand already and goes to take a picture so tomorrow we could say look at these guys,” she said. “But the other one who was right there grabbed her hand and smashed it into her face. It happened so fast. He was a tall guy, and all I remember her saying was ‘you’re going to hit a girl’?”

They have no one to blame but themselves for getting peed on. You don’t interrupt a drunk guy midstream and not expect repercussions.

The two men ran through a back alley toward the parking lot of the Nantucket Yacht Club, she said, and the group of women continued walking down the sidewalk where they ran into a police officer and reported the incident. At the same time, they noticed one of the Penske brothers in the parking lot, and identified him to police as one of the people involved in the incident.

Were these guys running in circles?

Police claimed they apprehended Jay Penske attempting to run away from the club, and that they found Mark Penske at the employee apartment after he had fallen down the staircase, suffering several cuts on this right arm.

As Jay Penske was detained, the woman claimed he yelled at her “‘you’re not white enough’. I don’t know what it meant. The cop was like, why is he saying that to you?”

Maybe he meant that only real WASPy whites like himself could break into the yacht club.

“There were three people living in the yacht club apartment and only two saw the suspects enter the house and they got startled when they were confronted,” according to the report,which was written by officer John Muhr, a 20-year veteran of the Nantucket Police Department.

The Penskes are not members at the Nantucket Yacht Club, according to staff at the club.

Not members? Maybe you haven’t seen my application. *Throws a bunch of bills in their face*

The woman involved in the incident said “I can’t believe he was peeing in public if he was so important,” she said. “I didn’t know who they are. I didn’t know the Penske family was out there.”

What? Only bums can pee in public? That’s discrimination. I demand a public apology.

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Speed Racer
Speed Racer
12 years ago

WOO HOO!!! Livin’ on the edge!!!

ivy league dork
ivy league dork
12 years ago

total losers!!! so glad i wasn’t hired when i interviewed at PMC