Dakota Fanning Just Turned 18, Did a Nude Scene

Dakota Fanning turned 18 about a year ago on February 23 so what better way to celebrate her legality than by doing a nude scene. It seems like as much a present for her as it is for us.

“Yeah, well, I’ve never done that before and I’m very newly allowed to do that,” she explained to MTV News at the Sundance Film Festival, where she was out promoting the movie. “I was newly 18, so yeah, it was, it’s kind of a sensitive thing, but it’s a part of life.”

In Hollywood, a child star doing nudity is a rite of passage. Hopefully the scene will make us forgot she ever played the precocious child in every film she was in. God. That was annoying.

Fanning grows up big time in the film, which follows her and her pal, played by Elizabeth Olsen, as they embark on their journey through adolescence, on a quest to lose their virginity, and all the repercussions that come along with it. It also means that Fanning had to capture that life-changing moment in the film. “No one’s ever comfortable [doing love scenes],” she explained, before Olsen had some advice on getting through them.

“No, you just have to go for it. Sorry, I didn’t do a sex scene in this movie so I should shut up,” she quipped.

So not only is Fanning doing a nude scene, she’s doing a nude scene where she loses her v-card. This kid always likes one-upping everyone. Some things never change.

The actor who got to mix it up with Fanning in the scene, Boyd Holbrook, notes that it’s the realism of the scene that will have fans connecting to what Fanning is going through in that instant. “As in life it’s not always so perfect and glossy and seamless,” he said. “It’s quite awkward sometimes especially with that. This film’s about its going into life, first sexual experience, so it’s all about the environment and not taking it too serious.” MTV

I take that to mean the scene will last about 20 seconds and end with Boyd Holbrook apologizing profusely while Dakota looks at him with disgust and tells him to stop crying.

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