Jessica Lee, a senior graduating from Garfield High School, put the following quote under her yearbook photo, “Flourine uranium carbon potassium bismuth technetium helium sulfur germanium thulium oxygen neon yttrium.”
If you’ve ever taken science at any point in your life, you’ll realize that those are elements on the periodic table. So what are the corresponding symbols you ask? “(F) flourine (U) uranium (C) carbon (K) potassium (Bi) bismuth (Tc) technetium (He) helium (S) sulfur (Ge) germanium (Tm) thulium (O) oxygen (Ne) neon (Y) yttrium.”
Yea, that’s right. It reads, “F**k bitches, get money.” A line from Notorious B.I.G. and Jr. M.A.F.I.A.’s Get Money. Jessica Lee, the OG nerd.