Ask anyone if they think Calvin and Hobbes is the greatest comic to have ever been invented and the answer will be “f**k yea it is.” Even kids today love the comic despite Watterson retiring the series in 1995.
Even now people are still clamoring for new material from the reclusive Watterson. 20 years later, they get their wish. Watterson agreed to draw the cover of Stripped, a documentary about the dangers comic strips face with the decline of newspaper circulation.
“Given the movie’s title and the fact that there are few things funnier than human nudity, the idea popped into my head largely intact,” Watterson told theWashington Post.
“It sounded like fun, and maybe something people wouldn’t expect, so I decided to give it a try,” Watterson said.
“Dave sent me a rough cut of the film and I dusted the cobwebs off my ink bottle.”
I can’t say this enough. Calvin and Hobbes was and will always be the best strip ever created. It’s influenced pretty much everyone. Same with The Far Side. Way better than junk like Family Circus where the main thing was following the dashes from some kid who can’t walk home in a god damn straight line. Jesus, kid. Do you want the dinner your mom slaved away at to get cold? Huh? Is that what you want?!