‘Ghostbusters’ Director Paul Feig Calls Out ‘A**holes’ in Geek Culture

Ghostbusters / Columbia Pictures

ICYMI, last week brought us the most disproportionately disliked Youtube video in history  in the Ghostbusters all-female revival movie trailer. While it’s true that the film has many faults in terms of creativity, it doesn’t account for the large body of people that are turning out to derail press with disproportionate disliking. The viability of the XX chromosome Ghostbusters reboot has always been threatened by the rampant misogyny dispatched precisely by its target audience. Ghostbusters director Paul Feig fights back with his understanding of these precepts.

Geek culture is home to some of the biggest a——s I’ve ever met in my life. Especially after being attacked by them for months because of this ‘Ghostbusters’ project.

And he’s not a man unsure of his audience. He’s made a career out of his co-creation of cult classic, Freaks and Geeks, as well as one of the largest box office successes of the last decade in Bridesmaids. From New York Daily News, Feig says he’s not going to feed into our barks for a good movie or chirps of misogyny:

“I don’t care what shape or size or color or anything they are. I live or die on what things are funny and whether or not people will be entertained by them.

Women deserve to be in a bad movie just as much as men!

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8 years ago

[email protected]@the wild conjectures.Lol@the sjw lack of backbone.Lol@the victim mentality.Lol@the lack of facts.Lol@the pay gap myth.Lol@safe spaces.Lol@that trailer.Lol@the dismissal of people’s opinions.

Whyare so many “strong and independent” westerners triggered by everything? Gets you employment I suppose.

Time you became an adult and realised no matter who makes what, you can’t please 100% of potential customers.

REMEMBER -offense can only be taken, not given.All these “problems” are of your own making.Time to grow up.

8 years ago
Reply to  Phil

Oh yes, I think you need more ads on this page,there are only like 50.Some are adult/porn ads.Guess objectifying women is ok,if it gets you 1/10th of a cent in revenue.Hypocrite central.

Prince Phillip Anon Harris
Prince Phillip Anon Harris
8 years ago

Look! I actually enjoy the clips I’ve seen from it, its an excellent film for kids, and those who just wanna relax and have a joint.