Why am I not surprised? Sinead O’Connor has been off the rails lately. She recently offered Arsenio Hall the chance to suck her dick. No thanks! This came after O’Connor claimed Hall supplied Prince with drugs. Hall then turned around and sued O’Connor and that’s when the offer for dick sucking came up.
Now, O’Connor has straight up disappeared from Chicago. According to TMZ:
The singer went out on a bicycle ride Sunday around 1 PM in the Chicago suburb of Wilmette, and has not been seen since. Someone called cops to report she hadn’t returned from the bike ride … and officers are now searching for her.
According to an alert sent out by cops … O’Connor is being classified as “missing suicidal.” She was last seen on a Raleigh motorized bicycle with a pink basket. She’s not exactly in typical cycling gear — black parka, black leather pants and a sweatshirt with “Ireland” on the back.
She’s hiding from Arsenio who’s looking to take her up on her offer. That’s just a guess though.
Update: 12:51 PST They found Sinead. She’s no longer missing, but suicidal? Possibly. Not missing is the offer for Arsenio to suck her dick.