Billy Bush Bragged About the Pussy Tapes in Rio

The scumbag’s fatal fall is his love of the boast. This week’s number 1 scumbag, soon-to-be-former Today Show host, Billy Bush whose legacy will be nothing but the guy that let Donald Trump run on about sexual assault with no recourse.

But the tape only came out because of Bush’s own recklessness. He first fucked up by taking the ludicrous interview from Ryan Lochte in Rio, but that wasn’t even the worst fumble of his Olympic stint. Multiple sources report to Page Six that the “journalist” bragged about the s**t he had on the Donald. A source shares:

Billy was bragging about the tape to other NBC staff while in Rio. If he knew about the tape, and remembered the full extent of such an explosive conversation with a presidential candidate and didn’t disclose that to NBC News, that is a very, very serious problem.

He could be cited for violation of his morality clause which would warrant termination. He was quoted as saying the tape made Trump out to be a “real dog.” But more than that, the tape shows damning evidence of his own (lack of) integrity.

There is concern that Bush didn’t defend his female co-worker. Instead, he appears to encourage that type of talk about her.

So let’s say it together. F**k Billy Bush.

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