Our Greatest National Worry is Over, New ‘Star Wars’ Name Has Been Released

It’s been weeks since we’ve had any new Star Wars developments, but don’t worry, your long wait is over. The title for the next Star Wars film has been released.

On December 15th, get ready to watch Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

According to The Verge, this next film will start exactly where the last one left off. In case you’ve forgotten, the last moment featured Rey (Daisy Ridley) handing Luke Skywalker his old lightsaber. Maybe they’ll talk about how hard it is to live up in on a cliffside or that he’s not really that good at living as a recluse if a random girl could find him with ease. Either way, the new film will probably start with a scene of them having tea and discussing the newest line of blue milk or something.

People speculate that “The Last Jedi” most likely refers to Luke Skywalker himself, though others believe that last Jedi could mean that last group of Jedi or collection. Either way, if you hate Mark Hamill and love Star Wars, which would be a pretty complicated life to live, the latest Star Wars might be a big disappointment.

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