Andy Garcia’s Model Daughter Alessandra Garcia Claps Back at Guy Fat-Shaming Her

Andy Garcia’s daughter is pretty hot. I mean, she is a model, and she is Andy Garcia’s daughter, so it isn’t a surprise, but it’s still worth saying. Of course, this is not the opinion of some dude on Instagram who went into the comments on her photos and just typed “fat” a bunch of times.

This is dumb on a bunch of levels. Just for starters, who actually cares if Alessandra Garcia is a little (and I mean a little) heavier than other models? She’s a model. The only thing I can think of is he’s secretly in love with her and this is like when a little boy pulls a little girl’s hair because he doesn’t have the emotional maturity to know how to process his feelings. Only instead of pulling her hair he calls her fat and then probably goes and pulls himself.

Alessandra wasn’t having it, and used her Instagram Story to post a reply to him.

She started out with a joke, saying “Jesus, find you a man that loves you as much as this man loves to call me fat.” But then she got a bit more serious, saying “Let me be clear, this man has now power over me. His judgements are rooted in his own insecurities but I just want to show that people can try and bring you down but your own self-love will allow you to rise above!”

You can see Alessandra Garcia for yourself, you’ve pretty much got to have a screw loose not to find her attractive.

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