Want to see people jump from high places and crash into water? Of course you do.
just discovered norwegian death diving and i’ve been watching videos for the past hour, its both the best sport i’ve ever seen and the worst because oh my god the danger risk of it is so high
— yaoi chow 🍉 (@nemoatsume) September 17, 2018
What is “Norwegian Death Diving” well, it involved people jumping from a 10-meter high platform and doing stupid poses before hitting the water. You can land however you want. Most don’t land very well.
World Championships Death Diving 2018'de bilinenin aksine, suya dik bir şekilde girmek yasak. pic.twitter.com/v78yNDisoT
— GZT (@gztcom) September 4, 2018
It’s called “Dødsing” in Norway, which is a much fancier way to say “Death Diving.” So, next time your Norwegian friend asks you do go Dødsing, tell him to go first.
Professional bellyflop divers in Norway compete in 'Dødsing', or 'death plunge diving'. #Dødsing pic.twitter.com/0br90PMJ63
— On Demand News (@ODN) August 19, 2018
This ‘Death Diving’ contest has people PURPOSELY land in the most painful way pic.twitter.com/51fUSOODOS
— Vocativ (@vocativ) September 7, 2018
Go to YouTube my friends and watch people fall flat on their face in the name of sport. And make sure to petition the Olympic committee to get Dødsing added to the next Summer Olympics. It’s more of a sport than race walking.