Velonika Pome’e Cried When She Heard She Was Going to be a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model

This extended Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue season has given us a slower trickel of news about all the models it features. For instance, Fox News had a really cute story about how Tongan model Velonika Pome’e reacted to learning she made the cut.

“The day that I received the call from MJ Day, I screamed, I dropped my phone and then I cried,” the plus-size pinup told Fox News. “I forgot she was on the phone. It’s one of those experiences where you don’t really know what’s going on, but you have so much excitement, you have so much gratitude. … I didn’t even know what to say to her. The first thing that came to mind was, ‘I can’t wait to tell my parents.’”

That’s how I feel every time I get a freelance writing job until I see what it pays. I need to start putting pictures of my boobs on Instagram.

Yeah, like that.

“I was really nervous,” she explained. “I was always the bigger girl, the bigger plus size model. [But] having girls like Ashley Graham, Hunter McGrady and Tabria Majors, having them pioneer this force in the industry to be reckoned with… it just made me feel so much more comfortable and confident.”

I can only judge by the traffic we get here, but the plus sized models are just as popular as the models who are… what’s the politically correct word for not fat? Svelte? Traditional?

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