Last year Forbes declared Kylie Jenner the youngest-ever self-made billionaire and I still contend they don’t understand the meaning of “self-made.” Apparently they were wrong about the billionaire part, too, because they printed an exposé claiming Jenner is “only” worth $900 million and alleging that she inflated the value of her cosmetics company.
Then there were Kylie’s financials. Revenues over a 12-month period preceding the deal: $177 million, according to the Coty presentation—far lower than the published estimates at the time. More problematic, Coty said that sales were up 40% from 2018, meaning the business only generated about $125 million that year, nowhere near the $360 million the Jenners had led Forbes to believe. Kylie’s skin care line, which launched in May 2019, did $100 million in revenues in its first month and a half, Kylie’s reps told us. The filings show the line was actually “on track” to finish the year with just $25 million in sales.
Chase Peterson-Withorn and Madeline Berg who wrote the Forbes piece on Jenner’s non-billionaire status speculated that the reason for the alleged inflating of the numbers was due to the reality TV nature of everything the Kardashians do, to benefit their brand.
British tabloid The Sun, meanwhile, reports an insider tells them Kris and Kylie Jenner are “freaking out” about the potential legal and social consequences of the Forbes piece.
An informant told The Sun exclusively: “Kris and Kylie are freaking out and fear that this is going to hurt their brand, and even worse, they could be in trouble with the government.”
The source further explained they are “definitely worried” about their reputation being tarnished.
This explains why Kylie was trying to save face on Twitter.
what am i even waking up to. i thought this was a reputable site.. all i see are a number of inaccurate statements and unproven assumptions lol. i’ve never asked for any title or tried to lie my way there EVER. period
— Kylie Jenner (@KylieJenner) May 29, 2020
“even creating tax returns that were likely forged” that’s your proof? so you just THOUGHT they were forged? like actually what am i reading.
— Kylie Jenner (@KylieJenner) May 29, 2020
Yes, apparently there are social consequence to only being a multi-millionaire.
Man, when you’re getting preemptively dunked on by later-day, barely watchable Simpsons episodes, maybe it’s time to pack it in.