Kanye might be going to rehab

Kanye West was sucking on a bottle of Hennessey before the MTV VMAs began. Now Star says he’s using the alcohol as an excuse for rushing the stage, grabbing the mic from Taylor Swift and telling everyone Beyonce had the best video of all time and will go to rehab as soon as he finishes his Fame Kills tour with Lady GaGa. All this seems like speculation of course. No one on his side has said anything about it.

West hasn’t blogged about it, there was no comment from his camp, and friends close to West say it’s not true, so maybe this is just the product of a game of telephone gone awry during a slow news week.

I’m really happy Kanye is getting help. Imma let him finish, but Lindsay Lohan had one of the best stints in rehab of all time.


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