A Man Falls Asleep On The Job, Subsequently Becomes A Viral Photoshop Sensation

There’s a reason I don’t work in an office and it’s most definitely because I’ve been borderline narcoleptic since 2007 when I almost died of mono. My bed is my sanctuary and my computer is my window in the world. My unorthodox work environment is the most surefire way to ensure optimal productivity while still having maintained the comfort of my naked skin against my fleece blanket.

Offices don’t afford those same creature comforts but it doesn’t stop the chronically sleepy from falling into slumber at the worst of times. We can all agree there are bad times to fall asleep. Babysitting. In the bath tub. Driving. In the middle of sex, to name a few. But few first impressions are as important as that of professionalism on the job. If you decide to venture out into the workforce beyond your bed, don’t be like this guy who fell asleep in his chair on only his second day at his new job.

After falling asleep, his new co-workers decided in get themselves acquainted.

The original photo was posted to image sharing website, Imgur (pronounced imager) and soon became a gift to the world and all photoshoppers united.

Thank you, internet. There’s one reason to look forward to the continuation of the human race and advancement of technology — I need more.

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