Clay Aiken is inconsiderate

Clay Aiken and a woman engaged in a minor scuffle aboard a flight to Tulsa on Saturday. Aiken, only referred in reports as an American Idol contestant, put his foot on the woman’s armrest which caused her to give him a “minor shove.” The flight crew was able to resolve the situation, but it still caught the attention of the FBI.

The 2003 “American Idol” runner-up was on the Saturday morning Continental Airlines flight for a evening show, and concertgoers said afterward that Aiken joked on-stage about being beaten up by a girl earlier in the day.

I bet he almost cried. When the woman shoved him, he probably cowered in the corner and viciously swung his jelly dildo in the air trying to fend her off. He’s like Zorro, only a lot gayer.

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