Tom Cruise is a Nazi?

The German Protestant Church has called Tom Cruise “the Goebbels of Scientology,” referring to Joseph Goebbel, the notorious Nazi propaganda minister. The Church alleges Tom Cruise is using his fame and films to publicize the Church of Scientology much like what Nazi Germany did, kind of, not really. They say,

“This film will have the same propaganda advantages for Scientology as the 1936 Olympics had for the Nazis,” Gandow said, referring to the publicity the 1936 Berlin Games gave Germany.

Uh, ok. Scientology is a sham, but comparing it to the Nazis is pushing it. As far as I know, Scientology hasn’t thrown people in ovens and committed other heinous crimes. The most dangerous thing about Scientology are the aliens and they aren’t even real. The worst thing that could happen to you if you’re not a Scientologist are the dirty looks and I have yet to be seriously injured by those. Unless the person giving them has an over-protective boyfriend. Jeez, I was just checking to see if she was wearing underwear. No need to throw a hissy fit.

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TiVo Faces
17 years ago

This is just Germany’s way of downplaying the Holocaust. Again.

Dime Forever
Dime Forever
17 years ago

Um, remind me again why a person such as Tom “Certifiable” Cruise continues to be awarded media attention when his outrageous public behavior has only reinforced the maniac that scientology brings out in him. If people would stop paying attention to this sociopath, maybe, just maybe, he might do us all a favor and go away.

I can only hope. . . . . . .

Chris mankey
Chris mankey
17 years ago

“Uh, ok. Scientology is a sham, but comparing it to the Nazis is pushing it. As far as I know, Scientology hasn’t thrown people in ovens and committed other heinous crimes.”

Well, they’ve probably murdered several people in suspicious “suicides” in their buildings. They held Lisa McPherson against her will until she dehydrated to death. They tried to frame a critic for sending death threats to them. They harass critics including falsely accusing them of child molestation. I don’t have a problem comparing them to the Nazis!