Jake Gyllenhaal kisses girls?

Us Magazine says there are pictures of Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon strolling through LAX holding hands and at one point in time, even kissing. Which is really weird because after reading his interview with the Daily Mail, I thought he was into dudes.

Who would you like to be stuck in an elevator with?

I know this isn’t quite the same, but I was stuck in a woman’s bathroom once with Susan Sarandon. She was interviewing me for a magazine and we couldn’t find a battery for our recording device so we ended up in a woman’s bathroom.

I discovered two things that day: that the floor in a woman’s bathroom is colder than the floor in the men’s. And, believe me, I’ve spent a lot of time on the floor of a men’s bathroom so I should know! And women pee louder than men do, even though we might expect not. Maybe it’s just American women? I don’t know.

Am I wrong in my assumption? Maybe, maybe not. When I asked Reese about the kiss she said, “It was really quick. Like a peck. Like you would give your grandmother. Maybe not even your grandmother. Someone else’s grandmother. It was really romantic. Look at my chin. It’s so sharp. Hehe!” She then ran outside to hunt small furry animals with her jaw. “Come here you little squirrely. I’m gonna get cha’!”

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