The issue of OK! Magazine with Jamie Lynn and her baby have been scanned. First impressions: The pictures are very Green Acre-y. I don’t know if making Casey and Jamie look like a couple of rich hillbillies was intentional, but it seems very appropriate. I’m surprised Casey isn’t in the back with a cowboy hat on, dancing around firing dual six-shooters in the air. OK! must have showed a lot of restraint.
looks like photoshop at its best. unwed mother with “supposed father” and their wonky eyed bastard child named ‘Sloth’…
I laughed
What’s wrong with that baby’s fingers? It looks like the tips of the index and middle finger are missing. Is that honestly the best picture of that baby that they could get? Damn!
It looks like it’s choking on something. They should Heimlich it really hard.
Kid has huge hands!! Looks like all they need is a pitch fork in the first photo!!
Unfortunately for the poor kid it’d better get used to having that expression on it’s face for the rest of its life. Not fair that it should pay the price for its parents being cousins.
Hey! Sloth Fratelli was a bad-ass crime fighting dude with a good heart and a love for chocolate. Don’t compare him to this baby, period, the end. Thanks. :-)
These photos are really phony looking, fake, forced smiles. Oh well, anything for money right? They’re also trying to make Jamie Lynn looking older and more sophisticated than the 16 year old teenage that she is. Pathetic.
The alleged “father” looks like he is too young to even have pubes. Disturbing and not worth of glamourizing by any stretch.
That is one FLK (funny looking kid).
Lol yea it’s a VUB(very ugly baby) lol