Tomorrow is the day Nick Hogan gets out of jail and his sister Brooke is so happy that she blogged about it on her MySpace. She remains very optimistic about John Graziano’s recovery and believes that through prayer, one day he will walk out of that hospital. Brooke also scolds the haters for not knowing the whole story and only listening to the lying media. I mean, that video of John with half his skull missing? Totally CGI.
Hey you guys…as you all know, my brothers gettin out tomorrow…I cant even tell you, as a sister, how exciting this is for me! Nick and I are like best friends…and i cant believe how long Ive gone without him…. Not seeing him for 6 months has been really really hard. He always knows how to make me feel better or make me smile when I need it, and its been tough without having him there to hug me just at the right time, or crack a joke when im havin a bad day.
There have been a lot of supporters and a lot of haters that have come up to me and said things that have helped and things that made me feel like I couldn’t make it through another day… Some people wish terrible terrible things on us and say the the most nasty comments that I can’t even repeat on here… It really hurts. I understand people have their own opinion, but most of the people that come up to us don’t know the whole story, or how much we really really love John. Its really sad, because were not bad people….were just going through a really hard time, and so is John’s family. I feel sorry for the people who are misinformed because all they have to go off of is the media, which lets just face it, is NEVER a reliable source. Even the news, when that should be the most accurate…its probably the most far off. I didn’t come on here to vent, and I know this still wont change peoples opinion or what they think about my family. But I know that you never really know, until you actually walk in someones shoes. And that goes in all directions. All I ask, is instead of making this harder, and putting evil things out there, you pray for John and for us, and leave words of inspiration. I know- like I know -like I know- John is gonna walk out of that hospital and things will be ok again. I know his strength and I know he can do it with our prayers…… To all the people who have been supportive- It has helped MORE than you will ever know. I can not thank you enough…..Please pray for my brothers safety too… this is a really tough time he has gone through and I know all he wants to do is show you, John and his family how much he cares and understands.
ok. Back to the happy stuff! …….I just can’t wait to see my Nicky! Im gonna make him every kind of food you can possibly think of! Hes been living on bread an potatoes so far and I know some mac’n’cheese is gonna hit the spot! LOL Thanks so much for listening and keep praying! Every day will be better and better and better. God bless you! Have a safe day!
Love you guys!
When the Grazianos read this to John, he made a gurgling noise out of his breathing tube. Witnesses said it sounded like hate. Waitaminute, he spoke. Kind of. OMG, it’s a miracle! Just like Brooke predicted.