Avril Lavigne hit up Malibu beach yesterday. She celebrated the men and women who died in service by clutching her breasts and cartwheeling on the beach. Her cromagnun husband celebrated by being let out of his cage for an hour. Everyone had a good time it seems.
in the caption pic she looks like Miley.
you realise of course that she is Canadian and does not observe Memorial Day right?
Yea, much like those people who used to live in Europe and Mexico, but now live in the US don’t observe Memorial Day either.
she is cute, I like her
The question is when is this 26 year old hausfrau going to stop pretending she’s some adolescent goth schlock rocker cum machoette out to steal other bubblegummer’s boyfriends? Her band looks old enough to join AARP. Gotta admit she IS built, though. Next time string bikini, okay?
I thought she was going to dress like a grown up now?