In case you missed it, Kate Gosselin strutted out on her front lawn in a blue bikini the other day. Presumably to show Jon what he’s missing out on.
Funny story. Kate doesn’t even need to tie her bikini. She just bitches at it until it breaks down and does it itself.
nice new boobs that your kids paid for kate! and what ARE you hiding under that hat?? please say it’s a new haircut!
I am sorry but Kate your butt is not ready for that swim suit. From the waist up looks great but your butt is saggy and cellulite is visable. WOW! Someone should of told her this suit is not for you.
For show producers, GEt JOn and girlfriend off the show!!!!!!! Jon, brother you should be ashamed of your self. having an affair, while your wife is out of town, I am going to stop watching the show as long as you are a part of the show, go get a job! Pay child support be responsible. You abused your wifes trust, you disrespected your children, your home. Young lady You are a home wrecker. Karma, everything in life that goes around comes around you lady. For those children, Kate is a good mother you try to raise 8 children, that… Read more »
You watch that show?
Wait… but its been widely reported that SHE WAS FOOLING AROUND WITH HER BODY GUARD! Nevermind that she doesn’t need a body guard. She was a nagging bitch, and was not receptive to Jon saying multiple times ‘I’m not happy with the way things are’. Her ON SCREEN reply was ‘Well, I’m happy and thats all that matters’.
LOL! way to go, Ian! She is a complete bitch and no one with any reason in their mind would dare go near that beast, unless they had a death wish or some tough dragon skin to protect them from her hurling fireball insults! They both gave into the pressure of fame and forgot about themselves- and ultimately, their kids. Fame is a killer; Hollywood rarely does anything good for people or society, that’s why we’re all in the mess we are today. Entertainment hasn’t changed much, as the Gladiators are now wearing padded gloves (UFC, anyone?) and the brothels… Read more »
Shari…this is probably what you look like in a swimsuit or bikini. Post your pics on TMZ or a tabloid and let`s point out your flaws. Most women have a certain amount of fat!!! She looks okay for a women in her thirties.
Good god woman!!!! At least try to loose some weight, YUK! This bitch finally got what she deserved, and I aplaud jon for finding a hotter, younger, less nagging, less bitching woman. I hope that all the kids end up with Jon so that they don’t inherit this kunts attitude.
i would knock on her door for some sugar