Shannon Price is an idiot

Shannon Price may not have pushed Coleman and busted his head open but she was the one who ultimately chose to pull the plug on him after only one day. Technically, that’s not murder but maybe the police will see things differently once they read these documents filed by Shannon and obtained by TMZ.

Price filed the papers in an effort to gain control over Gary Coleman’s body. Since she’s an imbecile, she didn’t pay attention to the health care power of attorney document signed by Gary which was filed along with it. Under “Instructions for Health Care,” Gary checked the box titled “Choice to Prolong Life” which states, , “I want my life to be prolonged as long as possible within the limits of generally accepted health care standards.” That roughly translates to, “Don’t take me off life support you stupid bitch.”

In the filing, Shannon argues that she was “forced” to pull the plug. She doesn’t explain why she was forced to or whether or not she had a gun to her head but I’m sure she has a very good reason. Maybe she was late for an interview or, like, she really had to blow dry her hair.

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13 years ago

You have to look at this the way it is, he didn’t say keep me alive no matter what, but if there was a chance to recover do not take me off life support. He had a closed head injury and renal failure, meaning his kidney’s ceased working – he was dying and it could have taken weeks to die. When you are on life support the body can’t process liquids and it’s not uncommon for people to gain 80 to 100lbs in water weight, their skin splits open they get staph infections and/or thrush, the other organs start to… Read more »

Jinxy's Nemesis
Jinxy's Nemesis
13 years ago

I call bullshit Jinxy- she’s a murderer… And will stand trial for it. Just watch!

13 years ago

Where can I find the money sound effects for Money by Pink Floyd?