Emma Roberts is Juila Roberts’ 19-year-old niece. She played Johnny Depp’s daughter in Blow and recently played a teen in Valentine’s Day. None of these parts required any nudity of course which is why W magazine wondered if she’d ever consider it.
Roberts said, “I don’t know that I’d do a full-on nude scene, ever.” By now that title I wrote sounds misleading and the likelihood of a nude scene doesn’t sound promising but minutes later Roberts said, “I’ve never had a full-on sex scene… but we’ll see.”
See? Baby steps. Look how quickly she said she’d be willing to do a sex scene. With more reassurances and goading, it won’t be too hard to get an impressionable 19-year-old to get naked on camera. And if that doesn’t work, maybe a gun will convince her. Heh heh heh.
if she got naked id pay to see it… what a hottie