What the Hell Is Up With Robert Pattinson’s Hair?

If you hadn’t swooned yet today then obviously you didn’t make it into Hall H for the Twilight panel featuring such stars as Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Robert Pattison’s retarded haircut.

I wasn’t there either because I’m not a lunatic. Consequently, I have no idea what questions were asked but I expect every other person wanted to know about the sex scene (it was very true to the book according to Kristen Stewart). But was there sparkly penis?! Someone answer me. Stop pretending the string cheese I’m shoving in your face isn’t a mic!

Fine. Whatever. On to more pressing matters. Namely Robert Pattinson’s hair. What. The. F**k. It looks like he had second thoughts in the middle of shaving his head. Let me guess. His new stylist is Team Jacob.

It’s for a new movie he’s doing called “My Hair Dresser Has Parkinsons”. Just kidding, it’s called “Cosmopolis.”

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13 years ago

It seems that everyone but you knows that he just finished shooting “Cosmopolis” in Canada and the plot of that movie is that he’s trying to get across town to get a haircut (that obviously goes awry) and a lot of shi% happens to him on his way there… 

What part of “he’s an actor and actors always have to change their hair, body weight, etc. for movies” do you not get!!!!!

13 years ago

sad that you thought it was okay to use a slur like retarded.

13 years ago

ROBERT PATTERSON IS ANKH! MY GOD! Did anyone check if he had feathers or his hand detaches?

13 years ago

What’s up with the sicko’s here,the only one’s who know what they’re talking about is Jess and Mike,oh well to each his own!

The Blemish
13 years ago

Looks like no one bothered to read until the end.

13 years ago

It seems that everyone but you knows that he just finished shooting “Cosmopolis” in Canada and the plot of that movie is that he’s trying to get across town to get a haircut (that obviously goes awry) and a lot of shi% happens to him on his way there… 

What part of “he’s an actor and actors always have to change their hair, body weight, etc. for movies” do you not get!!!!!

13 years ago

sad that you thought it was okay to use a slur like retarded.

13 years ago

ROBERT PATTERSON IS ANKH! MY GOD! Did anyone check if he had feathers or his hand detaches?

AlteredbyaVampire(ABV Kiri)
AlteredbyaVampire(ABV Kiri)
13 years ago

What’s up with the sicko’s here,the only one’s who know what they’re talking about is Jess and Mike,oh well to each his own!

The Blemish
13 years ago

Looks like no one bothered to read until the end.