Kanye, seen in the video below with around 15 blue and green lasers pointing at his face, was performing in Paris for him and Jay-Z’s Watch the Throne show, stopped the performance when a guy started flashing a green laser at the stage.
Kanye used his own voice as a record scratch and put the show on pause shouting, “You see this guy right here with the green laser? Don’t f**k up everybody’s show … it’s not a f**king game!” As the boos came, Kanye went on, “You gonna get f**ked up, kicked out, and all that s**t. Chill the f**k out.”
Afterward, the 15 blue and green lasers from the ceiling turned back on to continue flashing around his head.
what a chode.
and to be clear, i was talking about kanye.
to bad they weren’t high powered enough to burn through your fuckin’ head you asshole
What the hell? Why?
get off his pole already
Classy one, aren’t you?
What a moron!
“Put cho pussy ass little flashlight one side, son, and let me show you how to blind a room full of people with MY lasers”
What is the point of this article? It sounds like some idiot in the audience was pointing lasers at his face, which is dangerous. The stage lasers are clearly aimed down.