Aaron Carter Beat Up in NKOTB Turf War

Aaron Carter posted pictures of a black eye and bruised knuckles on Instagram the other night. No, it’s not from Nick having to tell him twice. It was from a fight he got into in Boston when he was confronted by 4 men who told him he was on New Kids on the Block territory. Wait, what? Is this real life?

According to Aaron, one “huge” guy went up to him in a parking lot and yelled, “I heard you’re doing a show here tomorrow. This is the town of the New Kids.” Three other guys then rushed out of a gold Chevy Malibu and started to punch him in the face. Boy band turf wars are no joke.

Aaron claimed he threw a few punches of his own before the 4 men ran off. “I think my knuckles might be broken, but that’s what they get. People think I’m a pretty little white boy but no way. I think I won. I’m still standing.” Who knew the criteria was so lax for determining who won a fight. Though I suppose not being knocked unconscious and waking up in a hospital was more a moral victory.

He went on to say he’s not filing a police report because it’s “girlie.” Understandable. This way no one will find out it was a drug deal gone bad.

Carter later went on Twitter to confirm he got jumped but that he’s a “soldier… err.” I have no idea what that means.

He then claimed to be a “6th degree black belt in Muay Thai.”

So if you didn’t think he was full of it before, you will now because Muay Thai doesn’t have a belt system. My god is this kid an idiot. He’s probably confusing Muay Thai with cowering in a fetal position and shrieking. He probably has a 6th degree black belt in that.

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Chuck Testa
11 years ago

He should try studying the “my face, your foot” (AKA my nuts, your fist) style from that Kung Pao movie. In that discipline, it is taught that he who bleeds first is the victor.

PS – broken knuckles from punching the ground is nothing to be proud of