Proving that when one falls, another takes its place, here’s Ali Lohan doing a model strut in NYC carrying a CVS bag picking up the slack Lindsay left behind when she went to rehab. It looks like a gust of wind could break her in half. She could literally be a coatrack.
Please someone give this girl a cheeseburger!!!
Please, someone come up with an original line. And by the way, Ali eats normally and healthily and food is one of her favorite topics on her twitter.
Sorry that I don’t know Ali Lohan diet, but I have a life :)
She’s a model you @sscrunch. Thats why she’s skinny. i am so tired of this type of “reporting”. So negative because youre protected by the internet. i can’t wait untilthis type of writing is out of fashion. Then you and all the other garbage sites can go away.
Exactly, complete BS. Ali Lohan is totally free of drama or BS and the media better get used to it because she’s about to do something really significant at Fashion week if the rumors are true. This is complete utter garbage. Ali is toned and actually nowhere near as thin as many other models. Not even a B-, a D- because it’s the same unoriginal garbage as any gutter garbage gossip site.